Ben Ten Pornography Story: BEN10 AND THE 2nd SUMMER CHAPTER Four
I dont care, Gwen said as she pulled her cousins clothes off his body as fast as she could. And I dont think he does either. Think of it this way, well give him a memorable show, and whos going to believe him if he talks?
You do have a point, Ben admitted while Gwen removed her own clothes until she was just as naked as he was. He gave his cousin an appreciative smile as he looked her over. Shed already managed to lose most of the extra weight shed gained during her pregnancy and he could just make out a red shadow where her pussy hair had started to grow back after theyd shaved her during childbirth. The only part of her body that hadnt returned to normal were her breasts, full of milk and several sizes larger than they were when the two of them first started fucking almost a year earlier.