Ben 10 Porno Story: Embracing you CH.2
Gwen sat beside her grandfather as he spoke with the Green’s. She couldn’t help but drift away during their long conversation. Her mind drifted towards Ben, he was still sleeping. Of course now it was medicine induced, but still, he was asleep and she couldn’t help him any way other then giving him medicine.
“Pssst.” Gwen looked at Kai, the girl nodded towards the door as more men stared to come in. Gwen nodded and they slowly crept out of the hut. They made it slowly to the Rustbucket. Kai smiled at Gwen, “Your not so bad. So, how’s Ben?” Gwen shrugged.
“Okay. He’s sick, but he’s okay. He’s not gonna die.” Kai looked concerned.
“Are you sure?”
“It’s just a cold.” Gwen opened the door to the Rustbucket and walked over to Ben’s bunk. He was still sleeping like he had been earlier. She gently brushed sweat from his hair and felt disgusted again. Ben moaned and leaned towards her, his eyes opening slowly.