Ben 10 Porn Story: reaquinted
Ben sat opposite Gwen. Grandpa Max was driving the Rust Bucket to the first of what would be many stops. This was the first day of the summer. Things were looking so good but then Gwen and both had expected to have Grandpa to themselves for the summer. Now they had to put up with each other for the rest of the summer.
What a bummer as Grandpa Max would say.
Did you say something asked Gwen, or did you shit your pants again?
Oh – when did I ever do that?
You don’t remember the last time we spent time together?
Yea that was about three years ago. I forget why did I have to spend a week at your place anyway.
Doesn’t matter the fact is I can’t remember any one who shit there pants so badly.
It’s not my fault, you startled me when I was on the way to have a shit. Continue reading